About Us
Our Department is focused on both experimental and phenomenological studies of forward physics and in particluar diffractive processes and those with diffractive-like signatures observed in interactions of elementary particles.
We carry out our research taking part in the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider, LHC at CERN, Switzerland.
In ATLAS we are involved in the ATLAS Roman Pots system consisting of two components:
These two ATLAS sub-components are devoted to tagging of the forward scattered protons which are one of the diffractive process signatures. The former allows the selection of diffractive(-like) processes in which a proton lost a sizeable part of its energy and the LHC is used as a magnetic spectrometer. Such data are collected during regular LHC runs.
ALFA was designed to the measurement of the proton-proton elastic scattering. Elastic data can be gathered only during special, dedicated data collection periods and used to determine absolute luminosity of the accelerator.
Our responsibilities cover the experimental data analyses, trigger and data acquisition and detector control systems as well as such indispensable elements of an experiment as the apparatus tests, installation, alignment and data reconstruction.
We are also involved in the preparation of the ePIC experiment at the Electron-Ion Collider being constructed in Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), USA.
Interested persons are encouraged to contact us in all matters related to our research or open positions.
prof. Janusz J. Chwastowski | |
Head of the Department |